Project 4: A Complex Calculator using HTML, CSS and JS - CodeGenius


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Sunday 7 May 2023

Project 4: A Complex Calculator using HTML, CSS and JS

A Complex Calculator using HTML, CSS, and JS

First of all, we make a complex Calculator by using HTML code in  "VS Code" such as index.html
and Css code written in such as Style.css and then use Javascript such as index.js file. Connect CSS files and js files with index.html and then Run...

HTML Code:

CSS Code: 

Javascript Code:

This calculator will have a screen for displaying calculations and a grid of buttons for entering values and operators. It can perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and it also supports parentheses and decimal points. The JavaScript code includes functions for entering values into the screen, clearing the screen, removing the last character, and calculating the result using the eval() function.
SO Enjoy this tutorial and Visit the site for more information...

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